We want you to DREAM big, even if your business is smaller. So how do we help you make that happen?….
Discover: This is the most labor-intensive part of any new project. We will delve into what you have now vs what we can hope to accomplish. We will gather current listings, web presences and compare them to comparable businesses. Only by taking the time to deep-dive into this will we be effective in planning. This happens within 30 days of signing a contract. We will bring the results and recommended actions together for the next phase.
Review: Within 30 days, we will have an in-person meeting to discuss what we have found and what we recommend moving forward. This will be comprehensive and show you WHY we are making certain recommendations. At this point, you may decide to move forward with execution with JAX or you not. Regardless, the report is yours.
Execute: If we decide to work together, you become a client partner and we will then begin executing the plan that we determine is going to be the most beneficial for you. This moves rapidly: marketing is a long-term commitment so “getting the ball rolling” is critical. We will create a scope-of-work to carry us through the next several months.
Analyze: Every month we will send you a progress report and action items for the next month. If we feel like we need to have a phone or in person meeting this won’t change any agreed upon contracted fees.
Modify: Marketing isn’t something to change monthly. Keywords, SEO/SEM components and other components need some time to “take root” and give us a true picture of what is happening. We will determine any modifications or new initiatives based on our monthly reporting, changes in your goals and your budgetary needs.
The challenges for marketing you business varied and you need someone to work with you on your marketing efforts who truly wants to help you succeed. That’s what we’re here for: we want you to DREAM!