Has it been TRULY successful?

Over the past several years we have met with several companies and medical practices. As we discuss their needs and budgets many are telling us about the same challenges in terms of their marketing efforts: They want an experienced marketing manager but do not have the budget. They can hire someone with much less experience but that’s not what they want. In addition, they sure can’t afford the larger agencies.

So They’re Stuck…

One administrator was from a medical practice of 3 locations and 5 physicians. He was facing the same experience vs budget dilemma in terms of marketing. As we spoke we finally hit on something: they contracted us to do the necessary work for them. No benefits needing to be paid, or vacation time, etc. It made more sense for them to contract than to try and find that elusive “perfect employee”.

JAX did a 30-day evaluation for them for a one-time fee and then we determined what he needed/wanted. We were able to get his practice very fair rate and commit to a year contract. This worked out well for us and for the client partner.

Does practices or businesses that fit into this mold? It’s what we do at JAX.  Let us help you look at your marketing from a fresh and experienced set of eyes.